Save money on your energy costs with these great tips Once you’ve retired, you’ll no doubt be looking for ways to reduce your living costs. And one of the biggest areas of expenditure these days is your electricity charges. Read more
5 ways to tell if you’re ready to close the door and head off on holidays It’s a fairly new term that you might have heard recently – the “lock and leave” retirement lifestyle. Simply put, it’s all about having a home for your retirement that allows you to happily turn the key in your front door and head off on your next adventure – wherever and whenever you please! Read more
The signs to look out for, that can help you decide When you visit a modern retirement village, you might be surprised by the facilities you’ll find there. Far from being an “old folks’ home”, what you’ll see probably feels more like a lifestyle resort! Read more
Save money and enjoy a comfortable retirement with our tips You’ve worked hard to reach retirement. You don’t want to spend it sweltering through a steamy Aussie summer, or shivering under a blanket and a beanie in winter! Read more
The advantages of living in a home on one level As you head towards retirement a low set home offers you a wide range of benefits. Apart from the obvious – no stairs! – there are many more reasons to consider a move from two levels to one. Your large home may have been the perfect place to bring up your family. Right now you have plenty of space and plenty of energy to traverse those stairs – yet… Read more
Here’s how retirement can be the best years of your life Everyone wants to live a happy, healthy, satisfying life. In your retirement years you have more freedom, solid friendships, hopefully some funds tucked away, and you’re active enough to enjoy yourself. Read more
3 top tips to keep your body moving in retirement As you head into retirement, moving your body on a regular basis is so important. As you age, you will naturally lose muscle and bone mass, which can lead to problems such as back pain, osteoporosis, or osteoarthritis. Read more
Here’s how you can work and enjoy your new lifestyle too! When the time comes to start thinking ahead to your ideal retirement lifestyle, you might find you’re not quite ready to completely give away work. You might like to ramp up your leisure time while you still continue to pass on the benefit of your experience, mentor colleagues, grow your business, or even start a new one. If that’s the… Read more
Try these entertaining ideas for staying socially active in retirement Retirement is a time of change, and that includes the way your social life may evolve once you’ve stopped work. To stay socially active and avoid becoming isolated, it’s a good idea to look for ways to maintain your social circles or form new ones as you step into retirement. Being socially active and engaged in your community… Read more
Get peace-of-mind from these clever home features It’s a sad fact of life that house break-ins and theft are one of the most common crimes today. You want (and deserve) to feel safe and secure in your own home – and choosing to live in a retirement estate can certainly give you peace-of-mind due to the added level of security. Most have an on-site manager, and many retirement villages have… Read more