9 tips to help retirees to enjoy a healthy lifestyle

Try these fun ideas for keeping fit in retirement

As you get older and move into retirement, it's still as important as ever to make sure you keep fit by getting enough gentle exercise on a regular basis.

That’s because as you age, your body will naturally begin to lose muscle and bone mass; which can cause back pain, osteoporosis, or osteoarthritis.

But by getting regular exercise you can slow down this process, while improving your balance and mobility, and reducing muscle and joint pain.

Keeping reasonably fit in retirement can also lower your blood pressure and decrease your risk of heart disease or heart attack, control diabetes, and of course help you maintain a healthy weight.

Portrait of active elder lady training with dumbbells

You don’t even have to exercise long and hard to get the benefits! Just half an hour of moderate physical activity (such as a brisk walk) each day will provide you with most of the health benefits.

The key to making exercise enjoyable is to find something you actually like to do, rather than something you’ll do anything to avoid! Here are some of our ideas on how to do just that.

1) Take a walk around your neighbourhood

Here’s an activity that just about anyone can partake in and enjoy! Walking is easy, you can enjoy it with friends (or your dog) – and it can even save you money on petrol and car maintenance. 

It’s easy to incorporate a little extra walking into your weekly routine. Try parking a little further away from the shops; or if you catch public transport, hop off a stop or two early and take shanks’ pony from there. 

Walking regularly is a great way to explore your community and get to know your neighbours. And with so many places to visit and explore in Albury and Shepparton, taking a gentle stroll is one of the most enjoyable exercise you can find.

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2) Do some gentle exercise at home

If you’d prefer to get active in the privacy of your own home (or if the weather’s less than ideal), why not invest in an exercise bike or walking treadmill? This will let you keep your body moving while you watch Netflix or TV, listen to music, or even read a book. 

Just remember not to let your new equipment rust away in the corner... make a commitment to use it regularly!

3) Put your hand up for babysitting your grandchildren

One of the most enjoyable and rewarding ways to stay active is to get out and about with your grandkids.  

Visiting the local park, throwing the Frisbee, playing ‘chasey’ (at an age-appropriate pace!), or pushing the grandkids on the swing are all wonderful ways to get your heart rate up and reinforce your connection with family. Even pushing the pram around the park for a while will help give mum a break and improve your health.

Elderly couple doing pilates class at the gym with a group of diverse younger people balancing on the gym ball with raised arms to tone their muscles in an active retirement concept

4) Try something different: yoga or Tai Chi for retirees

Imagine if there was a way to relieve stress; improve your balance and flexibility; help you become more mobile; and relieve pain – all at the same time! In fact, that’s exactly what Tai Chi and yoga can offer you. 

Both these activities are popular with seniors, so keep an eye out for classes specifically for retirees at your retirement estate, the local community centre, or seniors’ groups.

5) Give water aerobics a go

As we get older, exercising in water can be a low-impact, very enjoyable way to build stamina, burn body fat, and improve your strength and flexibility. It’s a great all-round workout that’s also gentle on your body. 

If you’re having difficulties with circulation, or you need to rehabilitate muscle or joint damage, water aerobics is ideal. What’s more, it’s a fun and social exercise that’s great to do with a group of friends!

What's it REALLY like to live in a retirement village?

6) Take up lawn bowls in retirement

Perennial retiree favourite lawn bowls is popular for very good reasons. It’s an enjoyable, social sport that can help improve your balance, flexibility, coordination and memory – and a great way to get out in the fresh air while you keep active.

7) Try some gentle stretching

Another easy and very beneficial exercise is moderate stretching. Try and get into the habit of doing some gentle stretches first thing in the morning when you get up. Your muscles will be warmed up ready to get stuck into your day, and with every stretch your flexibility will improve.

Stretching isn’t just a “once a day” activity either. You can do stretches throughout your day, such as a little neck roll when queuing at the bank, some knee lifts in the park, and some toe touches... well, maybe you’d better save them for when you’re at home!

Happy mature couple going for a bike ride in the city on a sunny day

8) Incorporate exercise into your socialising with friends

One way to ‘incentivise’ your regular exercise is to associate it with social visits from your friends and neighbours.

For example, if you’ve invited a friend over for morning tea, why not begin the visit with a gentle stroll around the neighbourhood first? Show them the highlights of where you live such as the local parks or gardens, or take them on a short bush walk.  

You could also set up a regular ‘walk and talk’ catch-up with your neighbours, where you share all the community news first and then head home to relax afterwards. That way, you’ve already burnt off some calories before tea and biscuits!

9) Give dance classes a go

Whether you enjoy ballroom, tap or salsa, dancing is a fantastic way to get your body moving and have a great time doing it! 

You’re sure to find dance classes available in your area in a multitude of different styles. Beginners are usually most welcome, and many have classes dedicated to seniors.

Find out why Kensington Gardens is the perfect place to stay fit in retirement

The secret to making sure you get regular exercise is to choose activities you look forward to and will want to do. The great news is that any time you spend moving your body is time that will add to your health, vitality and emotional wellbeing, so you can continue to enjoy an independent lifestyle in retirement.

Arrange your personal tour of Kensington Gardens

With so many facilities available to residents – and an active and welcoming social scene – Kensington Gardens offers you the perfect retirement lifestyle to stay active and healthy.

We invite you to come and see it for yourself. To arrange your personal tour, call Kensington Gardens today or get in touch online to book a time to come in and visit us.

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